They are the travelers. The light-chasers. The rules-be-damned adventurers. They capture an experience. They fix a moment. They bring focus to life in a way that expands and distills. They are magic-makers and they bring paradise to us.
They are the photographers out there living the BigLife and we salute them here.
Follow along and contribute your photos on Instagram: #BigShotBigLife
behind the images: about Corey Warren
My name is Corey Warren, and I’m an interdisciplinary creative currently living in Seattle, Washington with a couple of rad dudes and my dog Wilson. I just finished Joshua Slocum’s Sailing Alone Around the World, it was adventurous and rich, highly recommend it for an escape into tales of old school type-two fun. Part of why I love Seattle is the sailing, which I’ve just recently fallen in love with.
Things I could never claim before moving to the city: I’m a 5-star uber rider, a 5-star Air BNB host, and favor three star spiciness with thai food. Having grown up in Ketchum, ID basically pre-internet, I was never privy to the wild world of urban living. Now I kinda know, and it’s not so bad. The near future plan is to have some form of a home in both places so I can get the best of both town and country.
I still have a toy stuffed bear on my bed named Biggo, I’m a total mama’s boy and if you want to call me a nancy just make sure you’re talking to my mom, because that’s her name, only it’s Nanci. I’ve got one tattoo that I drew myself; it’s of mountains, to remind me where home is no matter where I am physically or mentally. My dog is my best friend, although I have some awesome bipeds in my clique too. I hang with all kinds of people, gritty and refined, straight and gay, red and blue. I love all kinds of music, definitely don’t have a favorite color, and will probably get in trouble for run-on sentences and grammar blasphemy since my high school english teacher created this publication.
I hope to continue to have amazing opportunities to use my brain and create beautiful artwork that’s both aesthetically stunning and also carries a strong message.
See more of Corey’s Work:
Instagram: @loveyerland