Middle East Institute Will Discuss Russo-Ukrainian War in Sun Valley


Are you in the Sun Valley area next week and are concerned about the global issues surrounding the Russo-Ukrainian War? Want to learn more from esteemed experts in person? Head to @limelighthotel in Ketchum on Wednesday, August 17, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm for Security Implications of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Middle East presented by @middleeastinst.



The Middle East Institute’s 5th annual conference will present expert insight and analysis into the security implications of the Ukraine-Russia war for the Middle East. The half-day conference is free and open to the public, and will feature three policy discussion sessions. Full schedule and list of speakers below.



Founded in 1946, the Middle East Institute is the oldest Washington-based institution dedicated solely to the study of the Middle East. It is a non-partisan think tank providing expert policy analysis, educational and professional development services, and a hub for engaging with the region’s arts and culture. Its mission is to increase knowledge of the Middle East among citizens of the United States and to promote a better understanding between the people of these two areas.




